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Beeline Moto II GPS: Simply Better Navigation

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
  • Simple small round GPS that can fit almost anywhere.
  • Controlled via app on your smartphone.
  • 42 grams, 14 hours of battery life, fully waterproof.

Distributor: Motogear | Tester: Paul | Price: $399 ($449 metal) | Check It:

Sometimes simpler is better, although that’s not usually what we’d expect with navigation. Yet, somehow, Beeline’s navigation is so simple while being so useable, it makes it one of our faves. 

I’ve loved using the Beeline Moto I, the original navigation system from the British start-up, over the past few years. With the unique problem of having many bikes to ride, it was never practical to move a GPS or a phone mount from one bike to another when it arrived for a test. That is until the Beeline arrived, with the small, lightweight mount simply requiring a couple of (included) rubber bands to secure the base to, well, just about anything. The handlebars are the obvious option, but a couple of small bands (also included) make it possible to mount the Beeline base on mirrors or other locations.

Beeline Moto II motorcycle GPS review
Easily fits on the handlebars but there are mounts for other options too

The new Beeline Moto II has taken all the best bits from the original and improved them. Despite being only 3mm wider, a switch to a TFT screen and a thinner edge has dramatically increased the real estate, with the screen size more than doubling. That’s allowed the designers to offer more mapping detail on the screen, making it easier to decipher exactly which road you are supposed to be taking. The system works extremely well once you get used to the simple display when compared to the busy GPS screen we’re all used to using for navigation. But as I say, it’s the simplicity that’s the beauty of this device.

Using the Beeline app on your smartphone is the way to plan a route (you can also record your ride and then save the route), while there’s also the option to upload GPX files. The app is extremely simple to use, with two options offered when you set a destination. There’s also the ability to pick a ‘fun’ route, although it seems that the mapping isn’t quite there yet with routes in NZ. It will work in Aussie though.

Beeline Moto II motorcycle GPS review
Easily mounts to handlebars using the rubber rings provided.

Once you’ve planned your route on the phone, you simply hit go and put your phone back in your pocket, and the Beeline is ready to go. You can change the brightness of the screen, although the Auto option seemed to work well, and turns are notified by a couple of flashing LEDs at the top. And a nice option which they’ve brought over from the original version is the ability to set a destination and then have an arrow always point in the direction of where the destination is located. That gives you the freedom to explore roads and always be secure in the knowledge you’re heading the right way.

The Moto II is waterproof and is charged using a USB-C cable, with a long-life battery that is good for up to 14 hours. You can also get an accessory base that will power the unit when plugged into your bike, although 14 hours in the saddle is probably enough!

Beeline Moto II motorcycle GPS review

The real beauty of the Beeline, though, is its size and light 42-gram weight. It also doesn’t ruin the look of your bike, like having a large GPS mounted on your handlebars or above your dash. For riders of cruisers, customs and nakeds, the small and discreet Beeline Moto II is a brilliant piece of kit which gives you the security of having navigation without a large device needing to be permanently mounted. And if, like us, you jump from bike to bike, the Beeline is so easy to take with you.

The Moto II takes all the good bits from the Moto I and improves on them dramatically. We got the black plastic version, although I’d probably prefer to pay a little extra and get one of the metal options, simply for looks and feel. All the versions appear well made and, unusually, nowadays, are repairable. To be honest, there’s not much not to love.

Available from all good bike shops. Head to Motogear to find your local retailer.

Here’s a quick clip on what it looks like in action:

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
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