Deadlines & On Sale dates

Issue # Ad Deadline On Sale
#229 22 Dec 2023 22 Jan 2024
#230 02 Feb 2024 26 Feb 2024
#231 08 Mar 2024 02 Apr 2024
#232 05 Apr 2024 06 May 2024
#233 24 May 2024 17 June 2024
#234 27 June 2024 22 July 2024
#235 02 Aug 2024 26 Aug 2024
#236 06 Sept 2024 30 Sept 2024
#237 11 Oct 2024 04 Nov 2024
#238 15 Nov 2024 09 Dec 2024


These deadlines have been arranged to give advertisers the maximum amount of time for copy to be supplied before production of the magazine begins. Therefore, they are the absolute final dates for copy. Adverts should be supplied in a digital format as a CMYK, jpeg, PDF or EPS.

These can be emailed to:
Or, post or courier, to: BRM Magazine, P.O.Box 21164, Rototuna, Hamilton 3256

Copyright Acknowledgement
In supplying your job to us, you warrant that all text, graphics, fonts and design must either be owned by the customer or you have been granted licence to reproduce it by the copyright owner(s)

Advertising rates
Please contact Kerry for an advertising rate and to be kept informed about deadlines and upcoming features. Or contact the office on 07 862 6957. Rates are for full colour, high quality adverts per issue. All rates quoted are exclusive of GST and are non-commission bearing.

Advert Dimensions

Advert design

If you don’t have an advert already made, or need changes made to your advert please let us know and we will do our best to assist you, free of charge.

Also available

  • Sponsorship pages
  • Direct mailing advertorials
  • Sections/posters
  • Bound/lose inserts
  • Competitions
  • Cover mounts

Size, Height x Width

Double Page Spread: 297mm x 420mm (+3mm Bleed)*

Whole Page: 297mm x 210mm (+3mm Bleed)*

Half Page Horizontal: 130mm x 190mm

Half Page Vertical: 130mm x 190mm

Third Page Horizontal: 267mm x 90mm

Quarter Page Horizontal: 65mm x 190mm

Quarter Page Vertical: 130mm x 90mm

* Please hold all live type and logos at least 7mm within the trim edges. Crop marks must be offset 3mm. DPS adverts need to allow for the fold in the centre of the magazine.

New and used products, magazine and YouTube exposure

Space is available to our advertisers in our new and used product sections. This is another way to give your product exposure in the magazine. Please contact us if you wish to make use of this. We may be able to feature your product in our magazines or on “Bike Rider Television” on youtube through product placement, featuring your product or service on our test bikes or by other means.

Website Advertising

Our websites are designed to give advertisers the best coverage possible for their money.
Please contact us for rates and a plan to suit your needs and budget.

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