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AMCC Round Three: Double The Attraction

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This Sunday will see the final round of the Auckland Motorcycle Club Summer Series for 2019-20, to be held on the National Circuit at Hampton Downs in the North Waikato. And in the tradition of the past several seasons, the Series will close out with a double-points showdown that typically keeps the class results wide-open till the flag falls on the final race.

The exception however, is the extremely popular Carl Cox Motorsport Hyosung and Ninja Cup. The Cup will continue on into 2020, with two additional rounds early in the New Year to conclude the hugely competitive development Series that offers classes for both 250 Hyosung’s, and the Kawasaki EX400. These classes run as a combined grid.

A range of National classes are catered for across the Senior, Intermediate and Junior categories; and the Post Classics, Clubman’s and Sidecars will complement the program to provide a full day of on-track action.

It’s the perfect preparation for the Suzuki Series, commencing early December; and valuable track time for those competing in the NZSBK which follows, as HD MotoFest is again scheduled to host Round Three of the National Championships in early March, 2020.

Entry is $15 for adults, and Under-12 are free.
Practice/qualifying starts at 09:00, and racing gets under way at 11:00.

The 2019-2020 Series is organised and promoted by the Auckland Motorcycle Club – who acknowledge all their valuable partners:

Carl Cox Motorsport, Castrol, Counties Honda, Forbes & Davies, Levels Ltd, Motomail, MTF Finance, and Northern Accessories – along with MX Timing and CTAS Live.

2019-2020 AMCC Club Series:

Round One: 22nd September, 2019
Round Two: 20th October, 2019
Round Three: 17th November, 2019

2019-2020 AMCC Club Series Class Leaders after Round Two:

SUPERBIKE(Pirelli)Travis Moan
SUPERSPORT 600(Pirelli)Robbie Stokes
SUPERSTOCK 1000(Pirelli)Jonathan Skyme
SUPERLITE(Castrol)Nick Olson
PRO TWIN 650(Castrol)Ben Rosendaal
125cc GP(Castrol)Chris Malcolm
SUPERSPORT 300(Metzeler / Muc-Off)Nathanael Diprose
250 PRO LITE(Metzeler / Muc-Off)Sean White
F4, F5, GIXXER 150(Metzeler / Muc-Off)Billee Fuller
PRE 82 SENIOR(Motomail NZ)Matt Ineson
PRE 82 JUNIOR(Motomail NZ)Guy Webster
PRE 89 F1(Motomail NZ)Ken Ferguson
PRE 89 F3(Motomail NZ)Rory Garvey
PRE 95 F2(Motomail NZ)Graham Moorhead
PRE 95 F3(Motomail NZ)Chris Malcolm
SIDECARS(Road Guide / Arai / Michelin)Mark Halls / Darren Prentis
CLUBMANS SENIOR(Counties Honda)Ross Tucker
CLUBMANS JUNIOR(Counties Honda)Hayden Kinmont
NINJA CUP (after round 2 of 5)(Carl Cox Motorsport)Jesse Stroud
HYOSUNG CUP (after round 2 of 5)(Carl Cox Motorsport)Loren May
(111) Hayden Kinmont makes the transition from marshal to competitor, hustling the KTM 390 to lead Clubman Junior going into the final round. Photo by Philip Kavermann
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