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Custom Made In Portugal

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Carlos Rodrigues recently contacted us via our Facebook page, proudly showing us photos of his latest creation – ‘Infernal Chaos’, his 9th ‘Mortagua Fighters’ custom build. Based on a Suzuki Bandit 600, it’s fairly apparent that he’s put in a whole lot of time in turning it into something completely wild!

Based in Mortagua, in central Portugal, Carlos’ passion is in building custom show bikes. Pretty much every detail on this bike has been lavished in attention, with only the wheels, motor, and electrics escaping some form of custom treatment. Yep, everything from the hand-made steel ‘crib’ frame upwards is 100% custom, including the suspension, the fuel-tank, headlight, and the radical all-aluminium bodywork – there’s no fibreglass on this bike!

Built over a period of 20 months, the bike is described as a ‘Radical Streetfighter’, and Carlos intends to display it in the European show circuit. Carlos doesn’t build bikes for business – it is just a hobby for him, hence he can take his time with his creations. His ‘Infernal Chaos’ is based on aeronautic lines, reminiscent of a B2 Bomber, and was designed, styled, and built entirely by himself. The final paintwork was completed by ‘Joe Garage Designs’. The polishing and chrome work was completed by Portuguese company ‘Perbal’. We think it fits perfectly!

We love the creativity that has gone into this bike, and whilst we are aware that it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, it shows dedication, ingenuity, and a lot of skill. This isn’t a road-bike, it is built specifically for one purpose – to show off Carlos’ imagination and skills. Well done Carlos, we look forward to seeing the next build to come out of the Mortagua Fighters shed! If anyone is interested in seeing some of his previous work, simply type ‘Mortagua Fighters’ into Google – this 9th creation is only one of a series of amazing machines. We’ll let the photos speak for themselves – if any of our readers know of any other projects like this one, we’d love to hear about them!

Photos supplied by Carlos Rodrigues (Mortagua Fighters)

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