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Draggin Jeans Roo Hoody & Revz Jeans

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker

I’ve always tried to make sure that when we ride a certain style of motorcycle for the magazine, our testers wear the sort of gear that suits the genre. That means for sportsbikes the team wear leathers, for touring bikes it’s textiles and custom bikes it’s usually a combination of a leather jacket and jeans.

But it’s never a set of your ordinary run-of-the-mill denims. We all know they’re about as useful in a crash as chocolate underpants, with the fabric tearing as soon as it hits the tarmac leaving you no defence from a serious case of gravel rash. Instead, I’ve always turned to the original makers of protective denim – Draggin Jeans.

Rev Head

Recently, I received a couple of new products from the Draggin team over in Aussie and it showed me how much these guys are constantly developing their products. Having had a pair of regular Draggin Jeans for some time which have always been my “go to” pant, the new Revz felt and looked totally different. Made of quality, stretch denim, the pants have a silicone coating that gives them a slightly different feel, from the outside anyway. Slip them on and they’re like a set of your favourite jeans, with the stretch fabric making them much more comfortable than regular jeans on, and off the bike.

But it’s the protection that’s the important bit, and the Revz have got Draggin’s latest sports liner fitted, produced with their patented Roomoto fabric (a knit of Kevlar and Dyneema – the world’s strongest fibres). Designed to offer unrivalled safety (it’s abrasion tested to 9.55seconds) while also giving the wearer a kind of climate control, the fabric is held in place using heavy duty stitching to make sure it stays in the vulnerable areas. It’s given an antibacterial treatment, showing the team at Draggin really have thought of everything, and there’s even hip and knee pockets sown in so you can add the optional CE-approved armour if you’re looking for that added protection.

After a few tests and shoots wearing the Revz, I have to admit that my other Draggin Jeans haven’t seen the light of day again. Once on, the Revz feel like a set of my favourite jeans with the stretch fabric and soft interior making them all-day comfortable. Hot or cold weather doesn’t seem to make much of a difference, with the Revz great to wear in any climate.

Roo Style

A new product I got to test recently is the Roo Hoodie. This was first released in 2015, with the idea being that urban riders still don’t want to go the whole distance of wearing a motorcycle jacket, so the Roo Hoodie was developed to complement Draggin’s denim jackets.

I wasn’t too sure what to expect with this, but slipping it on gave me the same sort of confidence that I feel wearing their jeans. You know these guys have done their homework and their products are tested in extreme conditions, so the science is there. Still, it’s kind of weird not to be wearing a “proper” jacket.

Like the jeans, the fabric is stretchy meaning it fits well and there’s nothing to flap in the wind and drive you mad on longer trips. I had the armour fitted – which is included in the price – and felt a little bit like a weightlifter as the snug fabric tends to make the armour stick out. Maybe going a size bigger might help with this issue, but having it snug means nothing should move from where you want it in the event of a crash. The hood is there for the image, but is removable for those longer trips and a thumbhole cuff keeps the sleeves nicely secured in place.

Unfortunately for me I was testing the jacket in late autumn, and all I can tell you is this will be a great addition for summer riding. With the temperature dropping to 10-degrees (lower in the shaded areas), I was soon shivering, with the Roo Jacket doing a great job of letting air flow through the fabric to keep you cool. Not so great for winter, but as we move back toward summer the Roo jacket is going to be at the front of my wardrobe.


Test: Paul / Distributed by: Whites Powersports / Rating: Like A Second Skin

RRP: Roo Hoodie: $249 / Revz Jeans: $379

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
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