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GAERNE G-Voyager Oiled Aquatech Boots – Product Review

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I’ve had these Voyager boots for a couple of seasons now, and they’ve had some serious use – I’m always wearing them! Whenever we’re heading out for a quick ride and the bike in question is classic, custom, naked or motard, the Gaerne’s are the boots I reach for.

Why is that? Well, comfort is right up there at the top of the list. You wouldn’t know these are bike boots meaning they’re perfect for wearing when you’ve got something to do at your destination that would be a drag in a set of squeaky old bike boots.

They’re also really easy to get in and out of, which is another essential factor to consider when you’re going somewhere and don’t want to call the local fire service to come to tug you out of your race boots. You can either leave the laces done up and simply unzip the side, or if you’ve got big feet like me, undo both for unrivalled access.

On the bike, they work perfectly with a set of armoured jeans, and the fact they’re waterproof means all I need to do is slip a set of overpants on top of the jeans to keep dry. The leather has stayed in pristine condition which is incredible considering I don’t do anything other than throwing them in the cupboard after each ride, and there’s still plenty of life in the soles. The light brown, I think, looks great, although there is now a black mark on the gearshift area from all the shifting. I’m sure if I put my mind to it, a bit of leather food and a rag would deal to it with no drama.If you’re looking for a set of kicks that are comfortable to wear yet still give a bit of protection, then check out your nearest Gaerne stockist.

Tester: Paul | Distributed by: Whites Powersports | Price: $305.10 | Check it:

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