Home News Irish bus drivers are the new AAA

Irish bus drivers are the new AAA

A broken down biker was rescued by a passing bus driver.

There are quite a few good sorts in this world, but normally when you’re stranded on the side of the road, bike refusing to move, most wouldn’t stop to give you AND your bike a lift home.

That is, unless you live in Ireland it would seem…

The driver of a double decker bus in Dublin noted the rider stranded on the side of the road in a less than ideal position and pulled over to help out.

The photos below are from the local police, who also stopped to check things out, thinking the bus had broken down.

It’s safe to say they got a bit of a surprise when they looked inside to find the rider and his broken down Honda sitting in the aisle of the double decker!

A broken down biker was rescued by a passing bus driver.
A broken down biker was rescued by a passing bus driver.

Yep, there are some great people out there!

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