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Merlin Hixon Leather Jacket – Product Review

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
Paul wearing the Merlin Hixon Leather Jacket

Tester: Paul | Distributed by: Eurobike Wholesale Ltd | Price: $599 | Check it:

We first came across Merlin with their wax cotton range of jackets and were sold on the brand instantly. They really know how to make a good looking, comfortable and stylish jacket. Now we’ve got the Hixon, and it’s taken style to the next level, with the classic cut made even more impressive with an ‘Aniline’ finish to the leather. What does that do? It makes the leather feel like nothing else you’ve touched. Think of it as something you’d expect Hugh Hefner’s slippers to be made from, and you’re somewhere in the ballpark.

But it’s not only good looking, it’s functional too. There are stylish Marton Mills Tartan panels in the thermal liner which is removable, exposing the mesh drop liner that makes the Hixon comfortable in summer. CE-approved armour is pre-fitted to the shoulders and elbows, while the pad in the back can be swapped out for another CE-approved item. Checking out the motoCAP independent testing results and it shows the Hixon doesn’t just look good, it also crashes well, with a 9/10 score for abrasion and 10/10 score for burst strength.

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
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