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We get a lot of gear on test here at BRM, often so much that we don’t really have to go out and buy our own kit most of the time. But when my favourite pair of gloves started to look a bit too tired for purpose, I did the unthinkable – for my colleagues at least – I actually went out and bought a second pair.

Yep, I liked my Rev’It! Dirt2 gloves so much I bought them twice!

The Dirt2 has been out for a couple of years now, and my first pair quite literally travelled around the world in the time I actively used them. They rode through the Malaysian heat in Sepang during the Harley Livewire tour, a typhoon in Japan, to the top of a mountain in Washington, and around a rather pretty lake in Italy, plus countess rides here at home. They were my go-to glove and it showed after two years and hundreds of hours wrapped around the ‘bars of everything from Harleys to Hondas.

There’s plenty of protection for most riding situations, but it is the clever ‘connect finger tip elastic’ that really makes these an awesome glove for me especially. As I tend to do a lot of social media for BRM, I have my phone out a lot on shoots taking behind the scenes pics or updating our Facebook Page.  If I’m wearing the Dirt2s, I don’t have to take them off to operate my phone thanks to the elastic tips on the thumb and index finger which allow me to operate a touchscreen – like my iPhone or a GPS.

Most of all, they’re incredibly comfortable, and as my first pair moulded perfectly to fit my hands I rarely wanted to wear anything else. Sure I might not be able to shout after work drinks this month, but I’ve got some damn good gloves that’ll do me for another couple of years as my go to hand protectors.

Distributed by: Darbi Accessories | Price: $170 | Test: Mat

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
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