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Richa Atlantic Gore-tex Jacket – Product Review

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker

We thought getting a jacket like the Richa Atlantic at the beginning of summer was going to see it ending up in the cupboard for a few months till the weather turned cooler, but the beauty of modern motorcycle clothing is the ingenious technology that’s now incorporated in them. It makes them safer, more versatile and less likely to end up with wet bits should a ride turn unexpectedly damp.

Firstly, the Atlantic is laminated, meaning the jacket is much lighter than you’d typically expect a jacket like this to feel like. That means less bulk and reduced fatigue when covering big distances. It also means that water doesn’t get a chance to soak into the outer fabric, so it doesn’t gain weight as much in the rain, and you don’t get that horrible feeling of the fabric transferring the cold. And it’s not just laminated in any old fabric, with the 2-layer Gore-tex membrane giving you the security that this jacket really isn’t going to leak.

But riding isn’t just about trying to stop getting wet, and the Atlantic also performs when the temps heat up. The membrane is seriously breathable, the gecko stretch fabric makes it feel light, and there are air vents to really let the air get through.

Extra impact protection is provided by D30 on the back, shoulders and elbows, while the highly abrasion-resistant Gore-Tex Armacor is used on the elbows and shoulders for extra safety.

This jacket oozes quality, and if you want to reach for just one garment no matter when, where or what you ride in, then you need to pay the extra and get a quality piece of kit like the Richa Atlantic. 

Tested by: Paul Distributed by: Whites Powersports Price: $1549.00 Check It:

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