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The greatest motorcycle chase of all time comes from Finland

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker

This could well be the greatest motorcycle chase ever, and it comes to us courtesy of the boys in blue of Finland.

The chase between a rider on a Suzuki Boulevard and motorcycle cop starts on the outskirts of the Finnish capital, Helsinki, before ending up in a field just outside of the town of Espoo, where the rider of the fleeing Harley comes to a sticky end after spinning his big bike out on a dirt road.

Oh, and by the way, the fleeing rider is doing this all two up. Although, *Spoiler alert* he does show little regard for his pillion at the end…

At just over 20 minutes long, the chase covers around 32 kilometres, but the Finn’s being a reasonably well behaved lot, the speeds work out at an average of around 96km/h. What it lacks in high speeds it definitely makes up for in butt puckering manoeuvres through motorway traffic and intersections.

What do you reckon, is this the best bike chase ever or have you seen better? We’re thinking there probably is better, if not shorter ones out there.

monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
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