Home News Video: I’m Just a Regular Bear…

Video: I’m Just a Regular Bear…

From the “From Russia with … WTF?” files comes this gem of what seems like a typical Russian traffic jam, until you notice the rather tall furry chap riding shotgun on the Ural sidecar.

The driver filming seems to be pretty surprised, but to the rider, his pillion, and their furry sidecar passenger, everything just seems like another day making their way to work.

The bear, identified as a Brown Bear called “Tim” from a Russian circus seems pretty chill riding in the Ural, even appearing to wave at passing traffic. The ride through the town was apparently a publicity stunt by a local motorcycle club and the circus who ‘own’ Tim to raise money for a children’s psychoneurological clinic in the city of Syktyvkar.

It’s funny to watch hear the driver’s reactions, but the sad fact is circus’s are renowned for being torturous places for animals such as Tim. We’d rather see a return to the likes of  the late Max Corkill and his faithful companion Rastus the motorcycling moggy for such fund raising efforts.

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