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Davies Dominates at Imola

The Welsh were singing in the valleys after their hero led a UK podium once again at Imola. Although Davies has scored a double previously, this time there was clear air between him and second placed Rea with Sykes in third. The podium was the same for both races and while Rea (now on 221 points) still has a decent points lead, it has become obvious that, along with Sykes (now third on 154 points), Davies (running second in the series on 186 points) and his Ducati are going to be a serious threat this season.

The distinctive style of the lanky Welshman has won him a host of fans, as he really is the tallest rider at the pointy end of any road racing world championship, dispelling any rumours that you need to be the size of a jockey to succeed. With the combination of himself, Northern Ireland’s Johnny Rea and Engalnd’s Tom Sykes battling it out, the ‘Barmy Army’ of British fans has reached fever pitch with Union Jack-clad British fans travelling to the European rounds in their thousands.

The WSBK train’s next stop is at Sepang, Malaysia in two weeks – a track that Kawasaki are hoping will see Rea and Sykes have an answer to the flying Welshman.


RACE – 1

1.  C Davies

2.  J Rea

3.  T Sykes

RACE – 2

1.  C Davies

2.  J Rea

3.  T Sykes


monimoto9 motorcycle tracker
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